
Definition of RFC type


Name Type Description
Name string Name of the type (only relevant for tracing etc.)
Kind RFCTYPEKIND Defines which kind the type is (scalar, struct or table)
ScalarType ABAPTYPE The scalar type (if type is scalar, not struct or table)
ScalarLength integer The scalar type length (only relevant if ScalarType is TYPE_CHAR, TYPE_BYTE, TYPE_NUM or TYPE_BCD)
ScalarDecimals integer number of decimals (only relevant if ScalarType is TYPE_BCD)
StructOffset integer If the type is part of a struct, this field contains its offset
StructLength integer If the type is a struct, this field contains the total length in bytes
StructFields RfcType [] If the type is a struct, this collection contains its member fields
RowType RfcType The structure of a table row, if the type is a table


Method DefineScalar

Parameter Type Description
name string name of the type (only relevant for logging)
abapType ABAPTYPE Type of the scalar
length integer length of the scalar field (only for CHAR, BYTE, NUM, BCD; defaults to 0)
decimals integer count of decimals (only for BCD)
structOffset integer Offset of this field, if the scalar is part of a struct

Define this type as scalar

Method DefineStruct

Parameter Type Description
name string name of the struct (only relevant for logging)

Define this type as a struct (use AddScalarStructField and AddComplexStructField to add members)

Method DefineTable

Parameter Type Description
name string name of the table (only relevant for logging)
rowType RfcType Type for the table rows

Define this type as a table

Method AddScalarStructField

Parameter Type Description
name string name of the member
abapType ABAPTYPE Type of the member
length integer length of the scalar member (only for CHAR, BYTE, NUM, BCD; defaults to 0)
decimals integer count of decimals for scalar member (only for BCD)
structOffset integer Offset of this field in struct

Append a scalar member to the struct

Method AddComplexStructField

Parameter Type Description
name string name of the member
type RfcType type of the field

Append a complex field as member of the struct