RFC Connector Release Notes --------------------------- 3.0.4 - NWRfcSession: Mask sensitive information from trace 3.0.3 - NWRfcSession: IsConnected now correctly returns FALSE after disconnecting 3.0.2 - NWRfcSession: fix handling of backslash in connection string - Accept valid license key from registry, even if a wrong license key was set programmatically. This allows to upgrade to Rfc Connector 3, while keeping programs which have the old key hard-coded. 3.0.1 - fix an error where NWRfcSession::IsConnected was returning TRUE when Connect() was never called 3.0.0 - add NWRfcSession, NWRfcServer - TableReader now always fills the Fields property - provide AppId and Surrogate for access from x64 programs 2.0.11 - RfcSession: Fix COM exception when sending uninitialized RAW fields 2.0.10 - BSPApplication: To support Floorplan Manager, BSPApplication will now also intercept window.close() issued by JS. If the hosted web application calls window.close(), the window will close (without showing confirmation dialog). - RfcSession: You can set a connection timeout by setting option "rfc.connectiontimeout" (in milliseconds; default: 6000) 2.0.9 - (all) fixed BSTR memory leak related to table processing - RFC Server: fixed another memory leak when served function contains tables 2.0.8 - RFC Server: Added missing call to CoInitialize() on worker thread, causing a (suppressed) COM exception when dispatching events to multithreaded apartment (MTA) host. 2.0.7 - RFC Server: RFC Server did not install global handler properly if there was not at least one function prototype registered before running the server. The fix allows running a server with no prototypes registered, and install necessary prototypes later on (for example in Logon event handler) - SOAPSession: ImportType() reported a wrong struct size (this is only relevant if a prototype is imported with SOAP, and then later used with for RFC). 2.0.6 - (all) performance improvement for large TABLES parameters (improved string processing) - digital signature for dll and msi 2.0.5 - RFC Server: added new option "server.poll_interval" determining the interval (in msec) in which the server checks for incoming calls. Decreasing this value will increase responsiveness, at the cost of using more CPU when the server is idle. Default value: 50 - several small performance improvements 2.0.4 - Bugfix: In accordance with RFC spec, tables are now transported even when an exception was raised (this does not apply to SOAP, though, as the backend doesn't send them) 2.0.3 - Bugfix: RfcServer locks connection when trying to send invalid data - Bugfix: TableReader result contains wrong values when using column selection - Bugfix: Inconsistent treatment of character fields in TableReader, TR returns now trimmed values all the time (before the fix, character fields would be padded with space when reading all columns, and trimmed if only some columns are selected) 2.0.2 - Bugfix: TABLES parameter defined as "TYPE tabletype" are now supported 2.0.1 - Bugfix: small memory leak in RfcServer 2.0.0 - Initial Release of Unicode Version - Added RfcServer - Added transaction RFC (tRFC) Support